I think that often women are not willing to make the sacrifices because they don’t feel those sacrifices will be rewarded, exactly because they are women. So it is not as clear as it may seem. You may say that they self-sabotage, but this is not their fault. There is real discrimination which leads to that perception and that belief. Another example of this is looking at the more reasons for the pay gap. It has been suggested in the meetings I’ve attended in my company that women are more afraid to ask for a payraise. Not because they don’t think they deserve it, not because they are not ambitious, but because of the corporate culture and the “male buddy” system that makes males a lot more “cocky” to ask for pay raises. This is why this is complicated and which is why, again, I believe in some kind of either affirmative action or a much, much more transparent system so that companies don’t get away with these things.
Thanks for all your insight into this conversation