What all Climate Models are failing to predict: The increasingly likely Mad Max scenario
It is unfolding right in front of us
Let’s just be honest with ourselves. Climate Change mitigation isn’t going very well. In fact, it is a joke. At a time when society should be making Herculean efforts to reorganise our very economies, something already a bit of an ambitious fantasy given our previous record, we want to make things even harder for ourselves: we take a Herculean leap backwards by burning the Amazon.
The climate mitigation models, which give us 10 years to make significant changes, are not factoring in one huge variable in their complicated algorithms: the “looney” factor. There are far too many crazies in power to be able to predict a safe, unhindered path to mitigation that is actually doable and realistic.
As for the rest of humanity and the IPCC, most of them are in it for the conference croissants: baked in an oil-fuelled electric oven, and placed in a big plate to cool off in an overheating world. Please, do dig in delegates, before they go extinct!
I have written many blogs about how humanity is grossly overestimating not only its technological capabilities but also its own intelligence, both when it comes to tackling something that now seems to be a runaway phenomenon, as well as to ethically disciplining itself.
The last few weeks’ events have fully confirmed my predictions. The callousness of the Bolsonaro regime shows the level of unrelenting selfishness of our species, putting profits and self preservation far above our planet’s safety even at the Last Hour. Until the very bitter end. Don’t be surprised. We have done this many times in our history.
For those of you still believing and hoping that humans are more than this, that we can make a sharp turn, I need not provide any proof to convince you otherwise. Just look at our history, from the Dust Bowl to the Aral Sea. Google these if you don’t know what they mean. Our very destiny as a species so far has been to destroy.
Bolsonaro may be a racist and an Earth Nazi, but he was voted into power by ordinary people, including farmers, who want more land and just want to be able to feed their family. Climate Change to them is a fairy tale. So if I were you I wouldn’t be quick to discount the Trumps and the Bolsonaros of this world as “exceptions”, as the Villains that you need to blame so that you can feel less guilty.
We all have blood on our hands, simply by choosing the path of apathy
If anything, there is a risk we see more Far Right movements emerge across the world as already unfolding food crises worsen and our standard of living takes a hit: Far Right movements, who promise voters the things we take for granted today: 24hr electricity consumption without a cap, unlimited showers, unlimited air travel, permission to have a child, and an unregulated construction market. What’s not to like? It is what the people and the businesses want.
If we want to avert this catastrophe we need to start realising that sacrifices are required from all of us from now on. Blaming the “lunatic” leaders after we’ve voted for them is not going to help especially since we are likely to vote for them again. It’s time to get off our seats and join a Rebellion for new Human values that respect our planet’s Circular Operating System and ensure our own survival.
You can follow me on Twitter @99blackbaloons
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